Gabe Poirot
Lifestyle • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
The mission is simple: To share the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to this next generation.
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What else you may like…
I’m calling every partner this week!

On this video, I am sharing an amazing testimony we saw while preaching in Missouri this past week.

Also, God has put every partner on my heart and I would love to hear your prayer requests and agree with you for a move of God in your life. If you have financially donated to the ministry in the past or are a supporter here on locals, fill out this form here

Testimonies + exclusive Partner update!
Partner update and crazy testimony!
August 31, 2023

I'm on day 35 in the book and it's great every day I read it! ✨

Isaiah 40:8 NIV💛

I'm new I just joined. I also bought the devotional book and can't wait for it to come and to read it😄!

“Born-Again” Christians - Nextdoor

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